Monday, January 29, 2007

Finished with interviews!

Today we finished our interviews for the 2007 Match! It's been a good year and we've enjoyed meeting our applicants. We're looking forward to our "Second-Look" Reception on this Saturday. Faculty and current residents will participate in our official Rank meeting on Monday, followed by the submission of our Match List. And then we wait for Match Day. We can't wait!

We believe we will fill in the Match, but if we do not, applicants who have already applied and were placed on the "hold" list will automatically be considered for the post-match. We will accept applications for the post-match ONLY through ERAS.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Recruiting Season nears the end!

We are near the end of our Recruiting Season for 2007! We have 3 interviews left next week, and it's a wrap. We are all looking forward to the Rank Meeting, and then we will just be awaiting the Match results.

I believe it's going to be a really, really good year for us. We have been extremely pleased with the quality of the applications we've received and can't wait to see who will join us next June.

In other news, we finished our RRC mid-cycle (internal) review today and all appears to have gone well.

The Principles of FM course is going smoothly and the R1s are enjoying that. I hear the ROPES course was a highlight again this year. Waiting on photos, so will post some here when they are available. I will be doing a Billing & Coding workshop as part of PFM next week and I've been working on that. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Roberto told me today that it better be, because they have evaluation forms!

The residents have just asked me to do a GYN procedures workshop in March, so that will be coming up. We'll be doing EMBs and IUDs.

Angela P. heard recently that she was accepted for the Emergency Medicine residency (seeking dual certification in FM/EM). Two of the R3s have job offers that look good and like they are going to work out. Everyone else is still considering their options, most haven't narrowed it down sufficiently yet to comment!

It's cold and wet in Galveston right now, so I'm sorry for our recent applicants that you didn't get to see our normally easy to tolerate sub-tropical winter. I'm ready for spring, myself.

Best of luck to all our applicants in the upcoming Match.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

top ITE 2006 scores

Congratulations to the residents who achieved the top scores for their class on the 2006 ITE exam:

R1 - Donna Simmons
R2 - Jerome Alonso
R3 - Norberto Alvarez

These residents will be honored at the 2007 graduation ceremony for their accomplishments.

Dr. Alonso - you need to drop by my office to pick up your prize for the last blog contest! It involves coffee and chocolate...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful holiday season. I'd like to wish you all a happy New Year.

We will soon begin our Principles of Family Medicine course with the R1s, and that is quite an undertaking with lots of FM faculty time committed to our new class. It's one of our favorite times of the year, and we're all looking forward to it.

R1s who may have an interest in the Rural Training Track, please be aware of the following timeline: 1) overview session this month (see PFM schedule for exact date/time), 2) required declaration of interest due to me by 1/31, 3) site visit and interviews with RTT faculty in February, and finally 4) RTT residents selected by mid-March as we begin to work on 07-08 schedules.

We will be finishing up interviews this month for 2007 Match. It's been a very busy and successful season so far and I'm looking forward to moving into the next phase. I will post the dates and times for the Second Look and Rank Meeting here soon.

FMR mid-cycle review, as required by the RRC, will be near the end of this month. Many of the residents will be asked to participate and meet with our committee. Now, for current FM residents who've managed to read this far, first one of you to post a comment will receive a prize. Many thanks go out to Residency staff, particularly Becky, for the extensive preparation required for the mid-cycle review and which is now near completion.

Welcome back from the holidays everyone! It's going to be a busy month.